Thomas Homes has been Providing Quality Homes Since 1990!
“Come Explore the Thomas Home Advantage where Quality is a Standard not an Option.” Thomas Home Corporation has built its reputation on providing a quality home at an affordable price. With many plans to choose from, Thomas Home Corporation will help you design and build your dream home. Along with quality, our homes are built with style and lasting value. Let us build your new Thomas Home in one of our subdivisions or On Your Own Lot. We invite you to become one of our proud homeowners. Thomas Home Corporation has been and will continue “Building the Roots to Your Future.”
(Currently Building in Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa Counties)
“The bottom line is - we care about people. It’s how our entire system is set up. We want to provide a quality product and, at the end of the day, we care about how we’ve affected people. ”
Any information collected through this website is used solely for the purpose of Thomas Home Corporation and not sold or given to any other entity.
Thomas Home Corporation reserves the right to change without notice or prior obligation, prices, plans, or specification of any item within this website.